So... I Rented a Céline Bag (Plus, 15% off Bag Borrow or Steal Coupon Code!)

If you saw my triumphant return to YouTube this week, there was no avoiding my blabbering on Bag Borrow or Steal. Sparked by my friend Carlye's article on Racked, I opted to throw money out the window on a Céline Trapeze rental.... and the rest was history.

I love the service and think it's great for someone who knows he/she can't afford to commit to one bag he/she might get sick of in a few months (AKA me) or someone who simply will never be able to afford a Celine bag (also me). When I think about my insane San Francisco rent, I just can't rationalize saving up all that it takes to own a bag that I can't guarantee I'm going to shit my pants over in 4 months.

And, thankfully, once I read their FAQ (because who bothers to read that before you make a potentially dangerous purchase, right?!) I learned the insurance cost is included in the rental and you are actually in the clear if the bag gets a little fucked up... you just can't make a habit of ruining bags or else they cut you off. Exhale. That eases a lot of my anxiety :)

Bonus: In honor of National Handbag Day (lol) 15% off a buy or borrow with promo code 15NHD2014!


Would you rent a bag or do you think it's a big waste of moolah?